Permanent members
- Pr. Guillaume Urvoy-Keller (group leader)
- Pr. Luc Deneire
- Pr. Lucile Sassatelli, IUF Junior Member ( Network Streaming of Immersive Media with Machine Learning and User-centric approaches)
- Associate Pr. Dino Lopez-Pacheco
- Associate Pr. Ramon Aparicio Pardo
- CNRS Researcher (emeritus) Gérard Favier
Non permanent members
- Loïc Desgorges (ATER)
PhD Students
Franz Franco Gallo (2022-2025)- Topic: 6DoF Navigation and the Impact of Low Vision in Immersive VR Contexts
- Supervisor: Hui-Yin Wu, Lucile Sassatelli
- Topic: Deep Learning to detect objectification in films and visual media
- Supervisor: Lucile Sassatelli, Frédéric Precioso
- Topic: Joint Training Design and Network Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning
- Supervisor: Fréderic Giroire , and Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
Anderson Lourenço de Araujo (2022-2025)
- Topic : Measuring and Modelling 5G Carbon (Energy) Footprint
- Advisors: Luc Deneire et Guillume Urvoy-Keller
David Baldassin (2021-2024)
- Topic : Design and Evaluation of New Transport Protocols for WebRTC
- Advisors : Dino Martin Lopez-Pacheco, Guillaume Urvoy-Keller and Ludovi Roux (Cosmosoftware)
- Topic: Data streaming and Batch Processing on Stamina: Optimizing the data processing path from the Kernel to the Middleware
- Advisors: Fabrice Huet (COMRED/Scale) et Dino Martin Lopez-Pacheco
Florent Robert (2021-2024)
Abderrhamane Redha Alliche (2020-2023)
- Topic: Analyzing and Understanding Embodied Interactions in Extended Reality Systems
- Supervisors: Lucile Sassatelli, Hui-Yin Wu and Marco Winckler
- Topic: Artificial Intelligence-based Cloud Network Control
- Advisors: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Lucile Sassatelli
- Topic: Machine Learning-based Control for Streaming and Experiencing Virtual Reality
- Supervisor : Lucile Sassatelli
Former Post-doc, visitors
Quentin Jacquemart- Post doc (march 2017 - dec 2019)
- PrEstoCloud European Project
- Topics: Network measurement, architecture, and security
- Post doc (march 2018 - july 2019)
- Topic: Video delivery optimisation in optical-wireless convergent access networks
- PhD: Université d’Avignon
- Post doc (oct 2016 - sep 2017)
- Labex grant
- Topic: Cloud Based Virtualized Optical Networks for 5G Access Network (C-RAN): planning for energy savings and user-level video quality
- PhD: University of California at Davis
- Visitor from UCSD (nov 2015 - jan 2016)
- Topic: video streaming
Former PhD Students
Zhejiayu Ma- Topic: Machine On the Application of Machine Learning Techniques to WebRTC Live Streaming.
- Defened on 20/12/2022
- Advisors: Frédéric Giroire(CNRS/Coati), Soufiane Rouibia (Easybroadcast), Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
- Topic: Streaming Virtual Reality: Learning for Attentional Models and Network Optimization
- Advisors: Lucile Sassatelli, Frédéric Precioso and Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
- Defended on 23/09/2021
- Topic: Third Generation Virtualization: Towards Applications’ Ubiquity
- Defende on 29/11/2021
- Advisors: Dino Lopez-Pacheco, Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
- Topic: Joint Application and Network Optimization of Big Data Analytics
- Defende on 17/02/2021
- Advisors: Fabrice Huet (I3S/Scale), Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
- Topic: Data Mining and Optimization of multi-content distribution in hybrid P2PWeb networks
- Defened on 30/11/2021
- Advisors: Dino Lopez-Pacheco, Soufiane Rouibia (Easybroadcast), Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
- Topic: Measurement as a Service
- Defended on 18/12/2019
- Advisors: Chadi Barakat, Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
- Topic: Exploitation of channel reciprocity in massive MIMO systems
- Defended on 04/10/2017
- Advisors: Luc Deneire, Florian Kaltenberger (Eurecom)
- Topic: Next generation Software Defined Network Data centers
- Defened on 25/09/2017
- Advisors: Dino Lopez-Pacheco, Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
- Topic: Energy-Efficient Software Defined Networks
- Defended on 28/09/2017
- Advisors: Frédéric Giroire (INRIA/CNRS/Coati), Dino Lopez-Pacheco
- Topic: Towards Towards NFV-based Green Networks
- Defended on 11/12/2018
- Advisors: Lucile Sassatelli, Damien Suacez (INRIA/Diana)
- Topic: Game theory for modeling and optimization of the Quality of Experience of data services in mobile networks. Application to video streaming
- Defense on 20/07/2017
- Topic: Multi-content distribution in the Internet
- Defended on 27/09/2016
- Advisors: Guillaume Urvoy-Keller, Dino Lopez-Pacheco, Soufiane Rouibia (EasyBroadcast)
- Topic: Active and Passive Inference of Network Neutrality
- Defended on 13/07/2016
- Advisor: Chadi Barakat (INRIA/Diana), Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
- Topic: Inter-session Network Coding in Mobile Social DTNs
- Advisor: Lucile Sassatelli
- Defended on 29/04/2015
- Topic: Cooperation Strategies in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Advisor : Luc Deneire
- Defended on 25/10/2013
- Topic: Joint Network and System Performance for Cloud Computing
- Advisors: Guillaume Urvoy-Keller, Dino Lopez-Pacheco, Denis Collange (Orange Labs)
- Defended on 18/12/2014
- Topic: Multi-h CPM-OFDM for L2-orthogonal Space-Time Block codes, joint diversity techniques and equalization
- Defended on 10/12/2014
- Advisors: Luc Deneire, Jérôme Lebrun